Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Study and Play

Middle Ages map of the Jerusalem being the center of the world

Israeli Defense Force soldiers in Zion Plaza

Front entrance of JUC

So today was my second day of class, which I had Islamic Thought and Practice at 0830 and later tonight I had History of the Church in the East at 1900. This morning was a tough morning, I had a hard time sleeping and thus getting up because I was so tired. I still got up and went to breakfast after having another cold shower with a little warmth in it just to fool you. I went to my first class and was fine at first then going through the history from 200 AD to 600 AD (discussing the Eastern Roman {Byzantine} Empire against the Sanasian Empire {around Iran and Iraq}), just before the rise and spread of Islam, I started to get really tired and doze in and out. A reason why is I have learned this information before multiple times and also I was very tired from the night. But I stuck it out and waited till class to get done.

 Thankfully, it did and I was able to lay on my bed and take a 30 minutes snooze then off to lunch. I was then free till 1800 do get caught up on homework and do whatever; and that is what I did. I'm somewhat caught up on all my homework for tomorrow and then I was invited to go to the Old and New City for some things; like shampoo, toothpaste, military surplus, and gelato. Of course I would go, get busy and more awake was what I needed along with the fresh air and not cramped cold classroom. So the group of us walk to Jaffa Gate then visited Shaban, our awesome shopkeeper, and went on to the New City on Jaffa Road. WE got back I got a little more reading done and had a great dinner with a apple dessert. Got all ready for my last class and walked in thinking this class will be good. I was right on some parts but also the professor was talking in come form of   language I didn't understand (Eastern Theology language) and wow my thinking just dropped and I was having a hard time keeping up. So for 2.5 hours I went through it and at the end the professor said this class would be like tonight, she just had to give us a strong foundation for the rest of the semester. So, I was pretty happy about that, and so I am looking forward to learning about our brothers in the East, that the West doesn't know much if anything on.

Prayers for me to fall asleep easier and stay asleep and to enjoy the classes that may be already troubling me.

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